Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Things Have Changed....

Okay today is my last day of being 49! (Unless I start lying which I'm seriously considering) I noticed immediately when I put my age into the eliptical trainer this morning to get my target heart range of 145.....tomorrow I only have to hit 144! Whew, it’ll be so easy!

I was thinking about all the things that change as you get older...namely your perspective!
Here are just a few observations along those lines:

1. When HH and I started dating my dad was 46 and my mom was 43..... you know, really really OLD!!!

2. I used to wear powder to absorb the excess oil on my skin, now I use nighttime moisturizer, daytime moisturizer and avoid powder like the plague because it tends to puddle in my wrinkles!

3. I used to have to watch what I eat or I’d gain weight, now I have to watch what I think about!

4. One hour a day of exercise was sufficient well into my 40's now one hour of exercise is not only sufficient, but also miraculous (Whew, I’m still alive!)

5. I used to love old movies, now I feel like I AM an old movie (I swear I see Betty Davis when I look in the mirror some mornings).

6. I used to have back pain from carrying a baby on one hip all day, now, good grief, I have it when I get out of BED!

7. One of my favorite games used to be spinning in circles till I got dizzy and fell down, now I’m afraid to do a cartwheel, (I could break a HIP!).

8. I’ve actually caught myself thinking "having a golf cart could be fun!" (OH, MY GOSH!)

9. I married a man five years younger than me so he could care for me into old age.....I’m now worried, AND convinced , we’re both in the same boat.....aching, creaking, getting up stiffly after sitting in a two hour movie....you know OLD PEOPLE STUFF! I’m thinking I’m in serious trouble here.

10. I couldn’t wait for the kids to grow up so I had time to do things, now I wish they were home so I could do things with them!

Well, now I’m thoroughly depressed so I’m going to go do something fun while I’m still young enough to enjoy it.

"Old age ain't no place for sissies."
Bette Davis

Sure Love Ya!


Sarah said...

Happy early Birthday! I hope it's a good one!

sweet mama entropy said...

I love that quote from Steel Magnolias (one of many great ones, actually): "Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it is marchin' across your face."

I've noticed things changing too. I know - I'm too young, right? Probably, but I think the progression of time catches us off-guard at pretty much every age :)

Happy early Birthday!

Grammy said...

Hey, I think 50 is FABULOUS!

I knew I was getting up there when I would look into the mirror on those rare mornings when I felt pretty good about my appearance - make-up on straight - hair hanging together, etc. and whisper this positive affirmation to myself, "Hummm, not bad for an old broad.!"