Monday, March 06, 2006

The life ...of a blogger

Writing a daily blog is intimidating, I have new respect for all the Dave Barry’s, Erma Bombeck’s, Ciao Bella's and yes....Daring Young Mom’s who, notwithstanding their current frame of mind, sit down to write a daily column designed to entertain, educate and enlighten the rest of us.

Whereas I picture they eagerly greet each day with a plethora (my word for the day) of exciting ideas, I find my mind is constantly sorting through the days events making neat little piles labeled “Funny Happenings that I can Write About”, “Happy Thoughts I’d like to write about”, “Things too mundane to write about”, “Things that I would love to, but wouldn’t dare, write about”, etc. Basically my mind is now nothing short of a bunch of piles …. It’s making life difficult and it’s getting scary in here!

This morning I was going to write about aprons…no kidding!…..go look at these they’re darling!…., but writing about aprons is hardly a topic with limitless possibilities if you know what I mean….besides the only reason they’re even important to me is because I’ve been looking for a cute, maybe even sexy, apron since my picture was in the paper wearing this one…….
(it was a door prize at a Tree Farmer’s convention…. I had to turn it inside out so the logo wouldn’t be visible!)….

HH reminded me not to write about him (he says since the decorating story he’s been trying to think of where to store the model airplane)….. So I’m left with the cat (limited possibilities here since 23 hours of her day are spent sleeping), and my 13 year old daughter who will let me write about her only until she finds out about this blog then that’ll be over too!…..My own interests run a bit toward the bland (my latest favorite recipe, whatever book I’m currently reading, and the occasional craft I’m trying valiantly to master without losing interest and giving it up entirely).

I considered writing about my most embarrassing moments which include but are not limited to….

The time I went dancing with my husband and caught (out of the corner of my eye) a glimpse of something …..chasing?….following?….my foot around the floor ….. soon others began to whisper and stare, there was nothing I could do but stop dancing and investigate further, only to find that a pair of panty hose (which had somehow become attached to the inside of my pants …perhaps in the laundry?….) were slowly snaking their way down one leg and out…out…out (at least 3 feet out) trailing along behind me as I danced my beautiful self across the “very crowded” room…..okay, THAT was embarrassing!

The cold winter morning as I waved to my neighbor while scraping the windows of my car only to receive in return a very cold shoulder….actually, he turned and walked back into his house,….I discovered several minutes later as I walked into my own warm house and noticed a distinct temperature change that the back of my skirt was tucked into my pantyhose leaving my entire backside exposed to well….the neighborhood…’s okay, humility never hurt anyone (I’m sad to say my neighbor and I were never again able to converse after that)

And, there’s always my children’s favorite,….shopping at the Minneapolis Airport, (they have wonderful stores there) I spotted some beautiful jewelry on a glass shelf at the front of the shop…..I leaned forward to get a better look only to find the jewelry was displayed behind the window …. (The one time in my life when my eagerness to shop really really hurt!)….the force of the blow sent me reeling and I literally saw stars! The girls were laughing so hard that a crowd began to gather and I was left with absolutely no dignity at all.

As I said, I could write about that but it would just be too embarrassing! So today I’m simply going to say I am not one of those people who thought Brokeback Mountain was a movie I'd even CONSIDER going to, let alone award an Oscar to (are you listening Hollywood!) and leave you with one of my favorite quotes....

"They said, 'Cheer up - things could be worse.' So I cheered up...and sure enough, things got worse."


Sarah said...

I love your blogs so much! You always make me laugh. Thank you!

Grammy said...

I understand. Haven't posted in over a week, myself. It's a cross between not much to say and way too much to do. Maybe this week will be better.