Thursday, March 23, 2006

Out of the mouth of babes.....

Ciao Bella (aka Nutella) has finally posted again and the snippet she included from her DH’s diary as a young boy brought back some fond memories .... (I’m making an assumption here that his reference to the new home not being "the doby" was because he was confused about "a"dobe houses.) .

"Nutella" was in 2nd grade when we discovered that many of the words in her, large for a 2nd grader, vocabulary weren’t even real words! We didn’t know this until she started spelling. One of her first impromptu spelling tests included a word marked incorrect ....."draff".....typical for her, she was quite indignant when she brought it home because she KNEW that’s how you spell it (I was pretty sure the teacher was right but I had NO idea what the word was supposed to be and couldn’t begin to convince HER she was wrong). I believe it was a good hour before we understood ....through drawing some pictures....that the actual word she was supposed to have spelled was "giraffe"......all those trips to to zoo and she thought we were saying "Honey, look at the beautiful DRAFF" Ha! Ha! HA! Too funny.........poor kid.

I’m fairly sure her hearing has always been fine but there is that question about the word smile. In all her younger pictures she’s making a weird face ..... when she got old enough to explain it to us she said "Well, everytime you wanted to take my picture you’d say "SMELL"! (DUH!)

Reminiscing about, (aka making fun of) the children’s faux pas over the years, has been a great source of entertainment for those not being ....errrrr.....reminisced about.

Daughter #2 (stop reading here sweetie or you’ll get your undies in a knot) provided one of our favorites. We went on many vacations to Disneyworld when the children were young and invariably when leaving a ride the "Automated Disney Voice" would remind you to gather your belongings and exit to your left. her sweet little girl way....tried to help us by foreverafter reminding us to "gather your baloneys everybody we’re leavin’!" Unfortunately for her we still have to use this one whenever we’re with her. (Love ya honey! NEVER leave home without your baloneys!)

I hate to keep picking on her but she (daugher #2) was also the one who couldn’t get ANY lyrics right for ANY song....some of our favorites were her renditions of "Baby, Baby Crockett....king of the wild frontier", and "If you’re gonna live in Texas you gotta have a fire in your van, The meat ‘n tar is hot (huh?)but not for a Looooosiannnna maaaaaan!"

Grammy reminded me of one the other day when she said her FHE’s were once fondly known as "Family Home Evilings. Daughter #3 in true spirit of the occasion at our home, always thought Family Home Evening was Family Home Eating! (Always emphasize the best part, was her motto!)

We’re going way back here but I remember my little sister asking my Grandpa if he still had his "wolf" teeth. After some questioning and explanations on both sides she finally exclaimed "Oh, silly me, I meant your "FOX" (false)teeth".....not too bad except she continued....... "my primary teacher was sooooooo confused!" (I can imagine....."You should see my grandpa smile when he’s wearing his wolf teeth, it’s really somethin’!)

Aren’t children great! Without ‘em we’d be walking around with a one dimensional view of everything!

Sure Love Ya!


Patti said...

At least I got that it had two f's!

Grammy said...

You are so funny. This post reminded me of all the fun things our kids used to say when they were little. We're out of town and not plugged into our own computers, so it's fun to get this chance to catch up on your world. I've missed reading you.,

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget Nutella one Christmas in Salt Lake when she learned from her uncle to "color between the Lions".

Bright One said...

I forgot about the "coloring between the lions" Obviously it runs in the family