Friday, March 10, 2006

We got no babies today.....

Nutella’s not pregnant!

I had to laugh out loud at my daughter’s post yesterday, if you haven’t enjoyed her comic style now is the time....she’s too funny!

When "Nutella" told us she was getting married we hadn’t even met JD (she’s a great chooser though!)....they had been dating for about 7 or 8 months when she called with the news that she was engaged....they live over 1600 miles away and they started getting serious over the summer which is during the time that my HH is busy fighting forest fires and we can’t go many places. I remember people saying things like "How do you like him?" to which I’d have to reply "I love him....because she loves him .... but I haven’t met him yet." Of course it is a hard thing to explain to those not of our faith that I had complete confidence in her to choose a perfect mate for herself. After all, she made this decision with lots of prayer and fasting, he was a worthy temple-recommend holder, a returned missionary, and he loved my daughter....what’s there not to love?! I’ve spent many an evening explaining that I would never trust MY ability to choose a husband for any of my daughters but I trust the Lord without a doubt! If they pray about it and He says okay, then I’m just the happy mom-in-law!

I remember one conversation that went something like this:

"I heard Patti is getting married!"
"Yes, she’s so happy"
"That was sudden wasn’t it?............(loooooong pause, raised eyebrows) she pregnant?"
"Heavens No!!!!!" "They’re getting married in the temple!"
"What’s a temple?"......

It just goes to show you that things that seem perfectly obvious to some are not at all obvious to others! Anyway, just as I expected the Lord and Patti made a perfect decision and those two are happy, happy, happy. Of course all couples have adjustments, disagreements, and disappointments but as long as you keep both mules at the same end of the cart (hopefully the front end) you’ll get where you’re going just fine! (Not that either of you are mules sweetie!)

Now, after two plus years together they are talking a lot about providing us with grandchildren (See how this becomes all about me!) ....I can’t wait, both because it’s an exciting new phase in our lives, and because people are starting to talk.........while trying to choose the perfect chocolate from a local Chocolatier not long ago the salesguy (I have no more respect for him than to call him that) said "Why not buy this large assortment box .... you can share it with your grandchildren" To which HH and I replied in perfect unison "WE don’t have grandchildren, we’re much too young!....(DUH!!! That should be obvious!!!)" (Not your BEST salesman if you know what I mean). Since that time we’ve been thinking we’d best be getting some grandchildren if people are going to think we have them anyway.

Nutella’s dream reminded me of one I had 24 years ago...........that I got pregnant, three times.....had three beautiful daughters.....and they grew up to be beautiful, intelligent, happy, healthy and righteous......
Hey, that wasn’t a dream......that really happened!
I’m so blessed!

1 comment:

Grammy said...

I understand what you mean perfectly. 4 of my 5 are married to the best of all possible spouses for them. I could not have picked nearly as well, but am so happy that they learned how to pray and follow the guidance given.

You'll be a great grandma. I am loving it and your super shopping skills will come in really handy.