Thursday, March 02, 2006

Seven Sevens...

Today I'm taking the easy way out and doing the Seven Sevens list I found at Grammy Rules and Ciao Bella....but before I do I have to give you this little link......if you are a cat lover or even a cat liker who has to tolerate one in your home you'll LOVE THIS .... my dad sent it to me and I had a great laugh to start my day.

Seven things I want to do before I die:
1. Have grandkids, spoil them, love them and spend time with them.
2. Learn to accept and be at peace with myself.
3. Learn to quilt.
4. Travel to Europe (maybe Nutella and JD will let me come to Italy with them sometime).
5. Go on a mission with my husband.
6. Discover a talent I don't know I have.
7. Catch the spirit of Elijah.

Seven Things I cannot do:
1. Live without my children or my husband (or stop missing them when they’re gone).
2. Live life without Heavenly Father’s guidance.
3. Deny my faith.
4. Live in a messy house (my own little neurosis showing up I know)
5. Say "No" when I think it will hurt someone’s feelings.
6. Go even one week without talking to my daughters (whether or not I have anything to say).
7. Leave the house without makeup (I know I'm so superficial!)

Seven Things that attract me to my Spouse:
1. His intelligence.
2. His devotion to his family.
3. His generosity.
4. His smile.
5. His ability to do ... anything he puts his mind to!
6. The effort he makes to make me feel special.
7. His testimony of the gospel.

Seven things I say often:
1. You know....(I hate that one I’ve gotta quit it!)
2. Love ya!
3. I’m gonna go take a nap.
4. Let’s go shopping!
5. I don't know
6. If it were me, I’d....
7. That's so annoying.

Seven Books or Book Series I love:
1. Follow the River - James Alexander Thom
2. The Book of Mormon
3. Pope Joan - Donna Woodfolk Cross
4. Harry Potter, all of them.
5. Mary Ellen Edmunds (love her humor)
6. Sheri Dew
7. Life of Pi

Seven Movies I could watch over and over:
1. The Postman (Clean-films)
2. White Christmas
3. Holiday Inn
4. Planes, Trains and Automobiles (Clean-films)
5. African Queen (don’t ask me why.....)
6. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
7. Cold Mountain (clean films...I've only seen it once but I loved it)

Seven People who’s Sevens I’d like to hear (now, and again 20 years from now):

1. My Husband
2. My daughters
3. My Mom
4. My Dad
5. My Sister
6. My Other Sister
7. The rest of you!

1 comment:

Patti said...

Those are very nice 7's mom! You can come to Italy with us any time.