Monday, April 03, 2006


Very busy day today so probably won't get to post much but I had to say how good I feel always, after a full weekend of General Conference. I have a little notebook that I use to keep track of my impressions as I hear the General Authorities speak and I filled up so many pages! I can't pick out just one talk but some of my favorites were:

The prophet, of course, I'm so glad he was well enough to be there, you can see and feel the love he has for the people of the world.

Jeffrey R. Holland, I have some friends that I just have to share this one with, none of them are members and everything he said would be of such help to them....

David R. Stone - keeping our Zion while living in Babylon!

Robert S. Wood - Avoid the spirit and attitude of mockery and cynicism (so prevalent that it almost seems the sad, but how true)

Dallin H. Oaks - What we get from scripture study depends largely on us (I knew that!)

M. Russell Ballard - strive for a gospel sharing home.

and so many more...

Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is such a blessing in my life, I know I wouldn't have the happiness and peace I have today without it, I so look forward to the General Conferences we have each year, there is never a talk that I don't get some encouragement to redouble my efforts in life. If you didn't get a chance to see conference (or be there!....I'm green with envy if you did) here's a link to listen on-line or even download them to your MP3 player.

Sure Love Ya!


sweet mama entropy said...

Conference was great, wasn't it? I long for the days when I'll be able to REALLY pay attention again (the little ones don't allow for much concentration around here). Glad you got re-energized. I love that feeling. I'm sure I'll start feeling that when I read the talks in the May Ensign :)

Kat said...

Hey I thought that you might like this Blog Be Not Afraid Only Believe. I thought that it would be a cool way to share scriptures and testimonies.