Thursday, April 27, 2006

I'm still alive.....sort of!

WoW! A whole week has almost gone by since the last time I did some blogspeak, ....not that time flies when you're planting trees........but you sure are tired! Also, I've found that hard physical labor sucks the humor out of life for me (that is a sad comment on my attitude isn't it?) and writing when you're in a foul mood isn't very entertaining for anyone : )

We had family home evening the other night, HH's turn, and he combined appreciation for the creations of Heavenly Father with a lesson on how to take good pictures of flowers. We went on a scavenger hunt of sorts in the woods and tried to get pictures of as many different wildflowers as possible, it was a lot of fun, here are some I found....

(Remember, I'm still learning how to take pictures, I'm not that good yet : )

An unexpected part of the lesson............

I learned that jumping from one side of the creek to the other can be dangerous when my foot left my shoe on the other side!!!!

(I'm glad that's not poison Ivy I landed in with my bare foot!)

I find I have a lot of time to "think" while I'm up there on the seat of my "ride" ....

(I know, you're envious ..... please don't hate me cause I'm lucky!)

Anway, here's some things I've thunk over the past week.....

1. Physical labor is HARD (I guess that's why it's called LABOR, duh!)
2. It pays to have a sense of humor when you........ "plant" HH's cell phone, accidentally back up with the plow in the ground, try to "pop a wheelie" with a 10,000 pound tractor, get sunburned in 80 degree heat for 5 days in a row only to don long underwear, three sweatshirts and coveralls (yup, I'm lookin GOOOD!) when the temperature drops to 40 degrees with a stiff wind on the 6th day.
3. Although working like this is a different thing for me there really IS a strange satisfaction in receiving a day's pay for a day's good work, as opposed to not seeing the end result of a day's work, let alone the connection to my paycheck, when I was a salaried's kind of a good feeling to know you've accomplished something at the end of the day.
4. Shifting gears all day may sound like fun but in the end you get tennis elbow.
5. The person who decided that tractors don't need cruise control, comfortable seats or speedometers that measure miles per hour instead of "rotations per minute" (What the heck!....) OBVIOUSLY never asked me!
6. No matter how hot it is DON'T drink water unless you enjoy trying to find a place to pee in a 100 acre field of flat bare dirt!

Sure Love Ya!


Gabriela said...

Great FHE idea! We'll have to do that sometime. And your pictures look beautiful.

Grammy said...

I'm so impressed! You are working hard and getting it done! I am also impressed that you're still blogging. I have taken about a month off, but I really intend to get on it tonight. I wish I had something as productive as you to report. Hang in there. Think of all the good you are accomplishing.

sweet mama entropy said...

Glad you're back! It sounds like you've been getting a lot done (and learning a few things too :) Keep up the good - albeit exhausting and sunburn inducing - work.

Blackeyedsue said...

I can't imagine how exhausted you are after all of that work. I am relatively new to the blogging world and I was wondering why you are planting so many trees? I haven't searched your blog yet, so I apologize if this is redundant. I am impressed that you took a week off. I can't go four hours without hopping on the computer. I am sure the novelty will wear off soon.

I love the FHE ideas. It sounds like that would be fun to do with my own little family.

Gabriela said...

p.s. How's Nutella? I've missed her blog.

Bright One said...

Gabriela, I'll answer here and also on your site as I'm not sure the protocol for "answers" to questions (?) Anyway, as to how Nutella is....she's doing just fine and will leave for Hawaii tomorrow morning! Her dear sweet husband graduated from BYU today! One week in Hawaii and then they're off to their new home in Florida. Hopefully she will have internet again and be able to blog I've missed her too.