Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mom's Day......(or so they say!)

A Mother's Love

I meant to write this yesterday but I was busy cooking all day so I wouldn't have to cook today!

I thought it might be fun to remember all the little "lessons" I learned from my mom (I know you've read those funny little e-mails that have made the rounds...."Things my mother taught me" this may not be as entertaining but it's true!)

1. I learned that if you sew on Sunday you'll have to pick every stitch out with your nose when you get to Heaven.
2. I learned that if you're mean to your sister you're gonna have to hug her AND kiss her before the day is up.
3. I learned that trying to read late at night by the light that comes under the crack of the bedroom door is going to cause a terrible way or another.
4. I learned that homemade bread with butter and honey is the PERFECT thing to make a bad day seem better (probably why I constantly battle my weight issues).
5. I learned that if you add tomatoes and tuna fish to Kraft Macaroni and Cheese you can call it homemade .
6. I learned that if you're too sick to go to school you're also too sick to play, read, watch tv or have ANY fun.
7. I learned that anything that can be purchased from J.C. Penney can be made by my mom for half-the price.
8. I learned that patience is a virtue and for some reason mom was always "running out of it" when she was dealing with me.....
9. I learned that the quickest way to clean house was not make a mess in the first place (unfortunately I never understood that one until I had a house of my own).
10. I learned that girls can do anything boys can do.
11. I learned that helping someone was the best feeling in the world.
12. I learned that when you're tired you work anyway.
13. I learned that lots of people have bigger houses, newer cars, and fancier clothes but nobody has more love.

And most of all I learned that when you're a mom sometimes you wait a long time for your kids to come and tell you how much you mean to them and how important your influence has been. But when they do it's the best thing in the world!

Mom.....I love you.....thanks for all you've done for me!

Happy Mother's Day to all, here's hoping you can rest tomorrow : )

Sure Love Ya!

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