Thursday, May 11, 2006

I love the rain....

It's been raining here since yesterday....I got to sleep all night with the windows open and the sound of rain on the roof......a perfect night! I'll admit it, I even like thunderstorms at night, they're just so .....powerful and awe-inspiring. I think I passed my love for them on to Daughter #2 cause she used to head outside at the first rumble wrapped in a quilt ..... she'd sit there in a porch rocker and read while the storm raged.... I on the other hand like to BAKE when it's raining.......bread, chocolate chip cookies, mmmmmm! (Oh heck! I forgot we have to eat good around here now RATS!)

And of course there's a little side benefit .... I DIDN'T HAVE TO DRIVE THE TRACTOR AND PLANT ANY DARNED OLD TREES TODAY!!!! (I know I'm pathetic, unambitious and appear to be lazy as well....what can I say?)

Anyway, here in my part of the world rain in the spring (and fall too) is just part of life. It's okay, it makes things green and I keep telling everyone from my old home state of Wyoming that they'll have wrinkles before me cause it's so dry and here it's anything but! (I suppose that should mean my wrinkles would be outies not innies eventually huh?)

I had a few things to learn about rain when I moved here. Number one.....when it rains for days and days you get floods.....they actually cancel school here because so many country roads get flooded. Unfortunately, having never experienced it before, water flowing across a street was a unknown commodity for me and I met my first "puddle" with seemed to me that going fast through the deep parts would be the best (so as not to let water run in the doors) but I learned that when you go fast through water over a foot deep it stalls the engine....bummer!

I"ve also noticed that out West where I'm from, the thunderstorms lose a lot of their rain as they cross over the mountains, they also seem to lessen in intensity. BOY of BOY the thunderstorms here are downright AWESOME! I never experienced the level of noise and longevity that we get with our storms here. Luckily I've never been afraid of them so didn't pass on some wierd thunderaphobia to my kids.

....on a sidenote I have to laugh at my sister-in-law who would don a football helmet, force all her kids to do the same, and spend 4 hours in a coat closet if there was even distant thunder. Noone out here has basements, the water table is just too high and that means a wet for protection you have the old coat closet. I don't know why thinking about all my neighbors in their closets strikes me as funny, I feel bad laughing about it....really......... HaHaHaHa (okay, I'm better now).

Anyway it's supposed to rain today, tomorrow, and all weekend....I plan on taking lots of naps and sitting by a toasty fire! Aaaaahhhh, now this is the life! (I suppose I'm going to wake up and find it's all a dream.......hopefully I'm not on the tractor driving!)

Hey you know the other great thing about rain? Rainbows!


Grammy said...
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Grammy said...

Sorry! My fingers got typing faster than my brain & there were massive typos in my first attempt.

I also LOVE the rain. When I was a little girl, I remember my Daddy taking me out onto our big front porch (all wrapped up in my quilt) to watch "the sky lights". It was so awesome. I never got over it.

There is absolutely nothing that feels more secure to me than hearing the rain on the roof when I'm all cuddled up in bed at night. The only thing I would add to your perfect rain day scenerio is a good book. Heaven!