Saturday, May 06, 2006

For Instance, did you know....

Thanks to my friend Suzie Q I've been tagged for this one(so actually have something to blog about and can do it in the short amount of time I have available)....

For instance, did you know...

Four jobs I have had...
1. Typist in a typing pool (the olden days)
2. Dispatcher for aircraft (forest fires)
3. Human Resources Assistant (Federal Government)
4. Vice-President (of HH's company : ) )

Four movies I would watch over and over...
1. Message in a bottle.
2. Any of the Harry Potters
3. Planes,Trains and Automobiles (Clean Films Version)
4. Holiday Inn

Four places I have lived...
1. Cody, Wyoming
2. Sheridan, Wyoming,
3. Afton, Wyoming (see a trend here......?)
4. Indiana

Four TV shows I love to watch... (now you'll know I'm a reality TV junkie...sorry)
1. Little People, Big World
2. Dangerous Catch
3. Survivor (I'm so sorry.....I can't help myself)
4. Small Spaces, Big Style

Four places I have been on vacation...
1. Mexico
2. Disneyworld (a million times)
3. Hawaii (I wanna go back!)
4. New York City

Four places I would like to go on vacation...
1. Italy (with Nutella and JD!)
2. Australia
3. Book of Mormon Central American tour
4. Japan

Four web sites I visit often:
1. The Pink Factor
2. Sweet Mama Entropy
3. Grammy Rules
4. Ciao Bella!

Four favorite foods:
1. Ice Cream
2. Chocolate (IT IS TOO A FOOD!)
3. Sweet potatoes
4. Lobster Bisque

Where I would like to be right now:
1. Hawaii
2. Florida
3. In bed
4. Driving home from the last tree planting job of the season! : )

Now to tag you:
1. Grammy Rules
2. Gabriela
3. Ciao Bella
4. Sweet Mama Entropy

(and anyone else who wants to share......tell me so I can get to know you!)


Gabriela said...

Hi! It's fun to read abou you. Thanks for the tag, I'll have it up Tuesday I think. Take care!

Grammy said...

That was fun. Every time you post, I feel like I know and like you even more. This was a whole lot of enlightening information. Thanks for including me and giving me another good idea to post. Hang on. Planting season can't last forever.