Monday, February 20, 2006

All this blogging's making me ditzy.....

I mean DIZZY!!! The last thing I want to be known as in this world is a ditzy blonde (I'm brunette anyway...this month)...alas it seems to have happened to me anyway. I think I'm fairly intelligent, capable and organized but the outcome of my actions seems to testify the opposite. I haven't got a clue how it happened....

Not long ago I got a call from my middle daughter, (attending college at BYU-Idaho), she was crying, a little hysterical and very, very hard to understand on the phone! Anyway the gist of the conversation went something like this..... "I don't know what's the matter, I'm so busy, I have so much to do and I keep losing things, I've lost my Jamba Juice card (Oh, No, not That!), my student I.D. and the keys to my apartment"..."The other day I lost them and found them in my freezer....I thought to myself ... 'Oh, my gosh, I'm turning into MOM!!!' "Keep in mind she's talking to "mom" at the time. I would have been terribly hurt if it weren't occasionally true. When I find the pop-tarts in the fridge I can generally expect to find the milk in the pantry.....I keep telling myself it's because I have WAY to many important things on my mind but that niggling little voice in the back of my head is saying "You're a ding-dong, you're a ding-dong..." (it goes on much longer but my fingers are tired of typing it out... and frankly, it looks much worse in print!)

Yesterday at church (where we're all supposed to be equal and if not equal at least sweet, kind and tolerant of one another) daughter number 3's teacher told her she got lost in the neighboring town over the weekend and immediately thought of me! Good Grief! I think that stems from ONE lone instance where I got lost going to the temple in's Chicago for heaven's sake! Anyone could get lost there (okay so maybe I HAVE been there several hundred times but I was know how the sisters can be when you're trying to drive!)

I remember one Family Home Evening lesson about Family was a great lesson (I think) but somhow the "activity"became a lively episode of "remember when mom ......" (This has become a tradition in itself). I just don't understand's a darned good thing I have such a good sense of humor.While I'm on the subject of humor I have to mention the Share the Love Blog awards (my daughter Nutella is nominated in the Humor category....go cast a vote for her .... she's NOT the one who is worried about turning out like me....she's normal and capable in every way ... (so far)....but I couldn't help but notice that when I looked through all the categories I couldn't find the one for "Makes me want to be a 50 year old neurotic woman....." If you have the link please send it to me (I'd like to nominate someone).

Also at church yesterday we talked about setting goals. I've been feeling a little, well, inadequate lately (too many episodes of Dr. Phil I think). The goal setting talk didn't help me feel any better. Don't get me wrong, I set goals, like today I set a goal of two loads of wash before I could play Dance Dance Revolution again (come on THAT IS TOO a goal), I also made myself drink two whole glasses of water (yuck) before I could have my caffiene free diet coke for breakfast.....who says I can't set goals. Okay, just kidding, I know you're supposed to set long range goals. I have some of those too....get thin before I die, get grandkids before I'm 50 (hurry up NUTELLA!!!!), and get a set of matching luggage before I go to Hawaii again. See ... and you probably thought I wasn't very ambitious.

Well, it's a beautiful day I think I'll go wash a good novel and take the car back to the library. : )


Grammy said...

At our house, no one is forgetful. It's just overload. I do not have hot flashes. Those are power surges. Let's put a positive spin on things, shall we? I loved (and really related to this post). You have a wonderful way of expressing yourself. Thank you also for the "favorite things" list you shared on my blog. I think we are long lost sisters.

Patti said...

Mom! You are hilarious yet again. I'm not nominated for the humor category! it is the Happiest category! I still love you anyway!