Wednesday, February 22, 2006

This is my life.....Ha!

It really just comes down to a question of dignity you know? I hear women every day complaining that they're not fully appreciated for all that they do at home, at work, at church, wherever.

Well I'm here to tell you I only have one complaint in that department. My husband is wonderful at complimenting me, helping without being asked, and generally showing enough appreciation for my daily tasks that I keep doing them. Even daughter #3, the teenager, is wise enough to thank me profusely for hanging up her clothes for the 100th time, or refilling the ever empty toilet paper roll in her bathroom.

BUT, and this is definitely at the crux of my discomfort this morning, there is ONE member of our household who is definitely NOT appreciative in the least. She is the pickiest of all the family when it comes to eating and insists on her morning meal promptly prepared and FRESH at 5:45 a.m.! If I'm but a minute late she whines and complains like she's starving to death. If I choose the wrong brand then she turns up her nose and won't eat.....honestly, I'm struggling here. She almost has me trained, I know her favorites and make sure she has them (this only makes my life easier....I know, I know, it's not teaching her anything)...but still she's never quite as satisfied as she'd like to be.

Today as I was cleaning her bathroom, (down on my hand's and knees), she sat there looking at me like the mighty taskmaster over a slovenly offer of help, just that look of disdain.

I cleaned the floor, shook the rug (endlessly full of dirt), and sprayed and wiped all surfaces to a sparkling clean (I sound like one of those toilet bowl commercials huh?) then turned to her to get an honest opinion of all my hard work .... after all that (she was waiting to USE the bathroom till it was clean)....she sniffed, walked in and gave me the smuggest look I've ever seen ....

Am I wrong? Is she "smiling" at me?.....Creepy!


Patti said...

I know she is smiling at you! I have seen that look before. She sure is a spoiled cat. I think having a spoiled cat is better than the one I have though...another trip to the vet this morning. :(

Bright One said...

Your poor kitty! I feel so sorry for him, is he going to make it? I really did have to scrub her whole box this was humiliating, she is very messy and she won't use it if it gets messy. Sometimes I wonder why we do this stuff for them!

Grammy said...

Cats will be cats after all.