Friday, September 01, 2006

Christmas Creep

You may assume from the title that I’m talking about The Grinch, or Scrooge, or maybe even the surly department store santa..…..nope, “Christmas Creep” is apparently (where have I been?) the buzzword referring to an instatiable appetite for all things Christmas… much so that retailers begin displaying said holiday wares earlier and earlier each year. So far I’ve seen Christmas displays in two local department stores, the mall ( the Christmas Store is open for business as of today), and Cracker Barrell where summer merchandise has been cleared away to make room for the three fully decorated trees!

Although I absolutely abhor this trend, I leniently give myself permission to indulge in a little Holiday hurry where Fall is concerned. As of Monday, August 28, when I suddenly realized only 3 days stood between me and September, I began having mysterious dreams of my favorite pumpkin dishes and yesterday I had to buy an “Autumn Spice” candle. I’ve resisted going to the attic to take down my fall decorations but I seriously doubt if I’ll make it through the weekend.

I know it’s technically not “Fall” until September 21 but I can’t seem to help myself. I just love the season. I love the colors (and, I look particularly good in brown!), I ADORE the food (pumpkin pancakes with homemade warm applesauce and whipped cream……oh MY GOSH!), and the decorating of my house easily rivals Christmas. There’s nothing better than the sight of a little log cabin surrounded by the colors of Autumn, a little smoke coming out of the chimney (okay I’m going to have to wait a bit for the first fire…’s still 80+ and humid here), and hot apple cider in the morning.

The whole thing just makes me feel good! Today I'll clear out the last vestiges of summer from my garden to make room for the mums which are just beautiful. If I ever discover a decorating scheme as gorgeous for summer I might learn to enjoy it just as much…..if I had a little Victorian house with a wraparound porch for instance…..I just love it when you see one with all the white wicker furniture and floral cushions, big baskets of purple hydrangeas, and a white porch swing…..

somehow I think HH would resist the idea of purchasing different homes for different seasons…..

Did I mention D2 is studing design? I’m no designer, nor do I have any aspirations in that direction, but I do recognize the impact of surroundings on mood, and how easily influenced we are by tradition. I just happen to associate Fall with happiness, it’s the season during which HH asked me to marry him, the season of Nutella’s wedding, the time of year when D3 was born, the fire season is winding down so HH will be home again, and it's time for long walks in the woods among crisp leaves surrounded by the wonderful smells of autumn .

I’m no “Christmas Creep” but I’ll cheerfully accept the label of “Fall Fanatic”!

P.S. In case I made you hungry here’s the recipe for pumpkin pancakes which just happen to be low fat and low calorie!


Gabriela said...

Here, in Cosco, Christmas stuff is out in full force. Weird.

I love fall too, but for the last 5 years we have been places with no change of seasons. :(. I love getting to wear sweaters and jeans.

Thanks for your recipe! Pancakes are one thing I can eat these days.

Sarah said...

I haven't seen any Christmas stuff yet, but Target is ready for Halloween!

Grammy said...

My 3 year old grad-daughter had her Mommy call me from Costco on the 15th of August so that she could tell me, "Grammy. I'm here at the store and they have their Christmas decorations out already. THAT is JUST WRONG!" I'm afraid I agree with the kid. To quote from "the Princess Bride", "Too soon, my Angel. Patience."