Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Teeth, they are SO useful!!!

As you may remember D2 has been here all week suffering mightily in the aftermath of wisdom tooth extraction. For obvious reasons I've become obsessed with finding ever more attractive soft food fare. I stocked up on pudding, popsicles, applesauce, and ice cream only to discover that after a few meals this somewhat sugary diet becomes less than desirable.

We have moved through the pureed food phase (have you EVER SEEN a pureed hot dog?) and tested the waters today at McDonalds where she tried her hand, rather eating a Sausage, Egg and Cheese biscuit. After discovering she couldn't get her mouth open wide enough to get it into her mouth, let alone try the chewing part we created the first ever McDonald's Sausage Egg and Cheese Panini....(don't ask). The smile on her face said it all, life is good!

The whole week has reminded me of how hard it is going to be to get old and quite possibly lose my teeth. A couple of months ago we visited HH's grandma in the nursing home and helped her with her lunch of pureed grilled cheese, tomato soup, and red velvet cake. The thing that caught my attention was that everything.....including the grilled cheese sandwich......had roughly the same color and texture, kind of a light peachy pink blob too thick for a straw and too thin for a fork.

Frankly I've come to the conclusion that I'm not going to enjoy the life of a toothless old person, I've therefore decided to request all my teeth be pulled sometime around the age of 80 so I can get myself a shiny new set of false ones!

As long as I'm going through the pain of tooth removal I may go ahead and spring for a chin-tuck, cheek implants, and botox......yup, I'm gonna be the Hot Old Lady down in 142B !


Gabriela said...

Yep, teeth are nice for sure.

Great pic.

Grammy said...

My son broke his jaw at 14 and for 8 weeks was wired shut. He pureed EVERYTHING! Just threw it in the blender, added an appropriate liquid and let 'er rip. He tried to convince us all that it was "Delicious" and that we "must try it!" Unfortunately, we had already seen what that stuff looked like. No takers! We love you son, but there's a limit!