Monday, September 11, 2006

It was the best of days, it was the worst of days.....

Five years ago today our world was shaken as the twin towers fell and our country faced terrorism in a vivid, violent, and personal way. I still remember how I felt watching the scenes unfold that day. It was the most frightening time I have ever personally faced. The safety I had known every day of my life as a citizen of the greatest country in the free world was in question and I cried. I cried for the people who had lost loved ones, I cried for our country gripped in the clutches of terror without a face, I cried most of all for my children as I knew the world would never be the same.

September 11 is a date that brings all kinds of memories and feelings, and in most households it marks a solemn occasion of suffering and loss. In our house it is a difficult paradox. On the one hand it brings, of course the tragic memories of the attacks, the very personal involvement as my husband served at ground zero as part of the National Incident Management Team mobilized to deal with the overwhelming task of restoring order to a city in immense chaos, and all the feelings of fear, frustration and endless questions that couldn't be answered.

On the other hand nine years before that September 11 our youngest daughter was born, that day we realized it would be the last time we would bring a child into the world. She was born before the towers fell, born into a world of peace and security. She was beautiful and a miracle to us. We couldn't have been happier to have an addition to our family of girls. We named her after the town in Wyoming where I was born....a name that conjures up beautiful images in my mind of family and love and all things beautiful.....she's lived up to her name in every way, bringing a sunny disposition, cheerful attitude and loving nature to bless our home.

So as I sit and listen to the many comments made this day I have mixed feelings. Loss and sadness, worry and questions mingle with intense feelings of love for this country, pride in my citizenship, gratitude for a husband who deals with these crises every time they arise,but most of all, and foremost in my mind on September 11 I feel love for my daughter, the one really important thing to me this day....first and foremost her birthday, a little thing that brings great happiness to my little corner of the world on September 11.

Happy Birthday Afton!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh my gosh! She has grown into a beautiful young woman! I remember when she was a beautiful little girl who I taught how to shimmy at our ward pool party back in the day...and the little girl who helped us decorate the getaway car at Nutella's wedding. I can't believe how grown up she is!