Sunday, August 06, 2006

Second Honeymoons...I get about 4 a year!

Now that I'm about to be reunited (as of tomorrow at 4:29 p.m. via United Airlines) with my dear HH whom I haven't seen in over 6 (count 'em SIX) weeks, the wierdest thoughts keep popping into my head

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder" or was it "Absence makes the heart go yonder" ?

"If I'd put those six weeks to better use I'd be a size 8 by now and he'd be so happy to not see me!" : )

"Tomorrow I'd better clean or it will appear I've been doing nothing but shopping, reading, sunbathing, shopping, eating, shopping, and blogging while he's been gone". (Which would be completely unfounded!)

"Was there anything he asked me to do before he got back?" (If so, it appears I've forgotten it).

"Should I take out the trash or make him feel needed when he gets home?"

"If there's a heat wave this week and the world catches on fire it can just burn and it'll have to do it without him!!!" (I know, not very compassionate but I'm a lonely woman and that's just never good)

"I suppose I'm going to have to redo the menu" (current offerings: cheerios, raisin bran, lucky charms or lean quisine, oh yeah I think there's something in the vegetable drawer but I've been afraid to look).

"Now where did I put that lawn mower?"

"Whew, I thought I was going to have to pay to get the oil changed!"

and of course I'll admit I have pondered a time or two on the truth of the old adage:

"If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you,
catch it quick.......................................hey, it had its chanceI"

Miss you honey see you soon! : )


sweet mama entropy said...

Yeah for reunions!! Especially with those you really love. Hope your's is great! (And good luck with the vegetable drawer. Mine scares me too :)

Gabriela said...

wow, 6 weeks!!! That's a long time. Enjoy your reunion! :)

Blackeyedsue said...

Yay for you! I laughed SO hard reading this list!!!

Grammy said...

That was GREAT! I've had several of those thoughts myself and will again soon since Papa is going to be traveling a bit over the next 6 weeks. I HATE it when he's gone! But you're right. The getting back together is always good.

BTW I totally agree with your last quote - Sooo much better than the original version!