Thursday, August 03, 2006

Things I love Thursday (AGAIN!).....

Wow I have no idea where the days are going but someone told me this morning that it was Thursday! (Honestly I thought, hey, no way, I mean it’s gotta be Tuesday at the most!) Anyway, time for another list of my favorite things! (And spurred on by your comments last week I had to go out and buy more spice tins to give as gifts!)

When I consider things for my list I try to have some sort of criteria. Number one I want it to be something that either a) knocked my socks off when I saw it the first time, b) makes my life easier, or c) gets used almost as often as my anti-wrinkle cream. Any item that falls into at least one of these categories is fair game….

I’ve been going through my things in anticipation of
a grandbaby! I still have so many things that I thought
might be good to send to Nutella….high chairs, bassinettes,
you know. Anyway I came across our “Baby Sitter” we
used this CONSTANTLY when our children were little.

It’s just a “high chair” that hangs on the side of any table.
It has a fairly deep seat and a little safety harness (necessary
under the best of circumstances). It was so handy to have it
at restaurants where the high chairs were often too big, too open,
(or too dirty!), it was also nice when we were visiting someone
who didn’t have small children….I’ve carried this all over the
country as we traveled. LOVED IT!!! (Disclaimer: the model
pictured here is NOT the original “BabySitter” but is very
much like it. I don’t think our model is made anymore

LDSAUDIO.COM Maybe you have discovered this site already
in case you haven’t…..I’m sharing it with you. From this site you
can download any of their LDS books or music CD's in MP3 format to
your IPod, Mp3 player, the hard-drive of your computer or burn
it to a CD. The software which allows you to download and store

the files on your computer is free and the cost of the downloads
themselves are MUCH cheaper than buying the CD versions in
stores. I have used this site so much I should own stock! It’s
great in a pinch. I have been known to download a book to CD
and give it and hour later as a gift. Trust me on this one, it’s a
GREAT site! No going to the mall, no mail or shipping costs, no's instant! Also, the great thing is that once you purchase
a title it remains in your on-line library so you can download it again
anytime you wish. (I wish they'd come up with a video version!)

Due to "pressing business" it's only a short list this week....feel free to share some of your favorites with me though!!! (In fact I'm compiling a list of recommended books to read.....tell me your favorites!)

Sure Love Ya!

1 comment:

Grammy said...

I'm all nostalgic over the babysitter. We had one that was an absolute must for camping. It kept little short persons out of the mud and the campfire.

As for the site, I haven't seen it before, but will certainly check it out now. Thanks