Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Sweet Memories....

Hahahaha, today's post from "Tiny" was enlightening to say the least...I always knew she was afraid of E.T. but never knew it was because she thought her closet looked like Elliott's,.... anyway her description of her (somewhat irrational ) fear is hilarious so take a look..

She made me think back to some of my favorite things when I was a .....well, younger person (I know my kids think I've always been old but ....nope!....I was actually born young!)

One of my favorite memories was getting a nickel every Saturday. I could use that nickel for anything! Anything people!!!! Just imagine what that means to a 5 year old! .....Yup, the good life was just a nickel away back then.....I could save it, invest it in my future, or spend it.....I'm sure you know me well enough by now to know that I SPENT it....immediately!!! We lived across the alley from the creamery.....does anyone even know what those are anymore?

Well, they were like "Coldstone" except they only had vanilla, chocolate, and strawberrry AND the most important difference?.....they got their delivery of fresh cream (I mean, for goodness sake it was right from the COW!) every morning from a big truck. It even smelled like cows in there!

I spent my weekly nickel on a strawberry ice cream cone....just one dip (if I could have saved up for 2 weeks I could have had a DOUBLE dip!!!!). Ahhhhh, those were the days. Sometimes my kindergarten teacher would walk us down to the creamery and they'd give us all a little jar of cream to shake and make into butter (I had a weak shaking arm so usually just put the cream on my oatmeal for breakfast).

We also had "milk men" back then. We had a little silver insulated box that sat on the porch and mom would leave the order slip inside and voila! when we got up the next morning the "milk man" had filled our order....milk, eggs, butter, cream....mmmmmm!. It was like the tooth fairy (only I'm pretty sure mom and dad had to pay for it). Magical!

Funny how so many of my good childhood memories revolve! I mean Gosh, we had penny candy, for real! (Now they have penny candy that costs 5 cents.....what the.....?) Every cent I made babysitting went into bags of penny candy that I'd hide as "scavenger hunts" for my sisters.

You know what else we had? We had movies that cost a quarter!!! (Add an extra dime for the popcorn unless you brought your own from home in a bag that you hid under your sweatshirt! Thanks mom!) In one of the towns I lived in we were close enough for my friends and I and to walk to the theatre on Saturday mornings for the matinee....and guess what? They had CARTOONS before every movie!!! No previews of nasty, scary adult movies, no wierd hollywood trivia, no ads for local hair salons, just.......CARTOONS....the kind that made you was great!

I guess my favorite outfit back then would have been that wild and crazy thing called a "sunsuit".... kind of a little one piece thing with ties at the shoulder and elastic at the mom was a great seamstress so I had them in every color and fabric imaginable.....I was lookin good!!!

As for scary things in my young life.....well there was one was.....the "incinerator"! I don't remember having one at any of our houses but my cousins had one in their backyard, it was this square concrete thing (like a big trash can) with a steel flap on the put all your burnable trash in there and then lit it somehow.....I was absolutely terrified of it....everything that went in came out ash and that LID!!! It was heavy and scary!

I was so afraid that I'd push it open and flames would shoot out of it and burn me up, but you had to push it open to put in trash, oh, the dilemma..... I'd stand there on the brink of tears, scared to death, then push in the trash real fast and run.............honestly, I hated that thing! (I vaguely remember Grandma talking to Grandpa about a person burning up a body in one.....that story stuck with me forever!!!!) That's no INCINERATOR, that's a MURDER WEAPON!!!!

(And on a side note, can I just say I'm SICK of not being able to upload pictures!!! Blogger what are you doing to me!!!!!!)

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