Friday, June 09, 2006

Pass me them there power tools Harv....

Yesterday I, (me, by myself, without permission!)used power tools!!!! (well just one actually but hey, it's a start!)

HH was gone for the day at a meeting and I decided to rearrange my breakfast nook. We have a watercooler, which I love.....(probably some deep meaning related to my 23 year tenure in Federal Government!). The only problem with it really, is that there was no "place" for it. I mean we had it someplace, obviously, but I never felt comfortable with it. It blocked the view from my kitchen into the breakfast nook (which isn't a breakfast nook's a piano nook....but I digress).

ANYWAY, night before last while lying awake in bed not able to sleep (again!) I was thinking up new places to put the water cooler and came up with the idea of putting it in my pantry. This would mean I'd have to give up some shelf space but the more I thought about it the more I liked the idea.

SO.....I took down the shelves, took them right out to the garage and used the table saw to cut them down to make a water cooler sized space!!! I couldn't believe how good I was. (Of course I've watched HH do it a million times, just last week in fact, so it was fresh in my mind).

HAHAHAHA, scared you didn't I girls?! .....anyway see that hair on the arm!!! It's not mine (don't think I didn't worry about something like that happening!)

You know what? ....I now know why guys like power tools....AND why they're called "power" tools. It's not because they work on power (silly girl!)'s because they GIVE you power! Wow! I felt like I could do anything! (Hey, am I just imagining it or are my biceps bigger today!?)

My advice.....go out and saw something to pieces if you really want to feel good about yourself! Arh, Arh, Arh! (Go on-- you know you wanna say it....give it the old Tim Taylor Try!)

Sure Love Ya!


sweet mama entropy said...

Too funny! I totally understand what you mean though. As an art major in college one of my sculpture classes involved welding. (I had to buy gloves and everything.) Massive power trip! Especially when my "creations" actually stayed together. Hope you (and your water cooler) are happy with its new home :)

Grammy said...

You da WOMAN! I'm so proud of you.

Papa uses his power tools all the time, but to tell you the truth, I'm a little afraid of them. The most I've ever conquered is the scroll saw. (Of course we've all heard about what I can do with an axe! Your picture was a grim reminder.)

Blackeyedsue said...


Power tools are not just for men anymore!

My fav is my scroll saw, my sander and the drill press....MmmmMmm