Monday, June 05, 2006

Clean internet?....

Whew! After three days I'm able to get back into my blogger account which was blocked by my filtering service "NetMop" for "Pornographic or Recreational Nudity Content".....(you're shaking your finger at me aren't you.........well believe it or not I couldn't get into any of yours either!)

Some weeks after I began my blogger account and let Daughter #3 open one on the Xanga site we discovered it could be pretty scary to look for google images to put on our blogs, it happened more than once that we were "surprised" at the images that came up when searching for a seemingly innocent picture.....(don't ever search for old woman washing .... I was hoping for a picture of a grandma type with a washboard or even a rock in a stream but .....well, as I said I got surprised!)

Anyway, in response I immediately signed up for a filtering service called "NetMop" that was recommended by LDSLiving. It did seem to block a lot of things but there were also some images that came through and when we couldn't get into our accounts at all last week I decided I would have to do something else.

Basically I'm going to be reduced to posing for my own pictures ............hmmmm "Old Woman Washing?.....I could totally do that!" It is a sad thing when there is so much free filth out there huh? I guess that's why we hear over and over from our church leaders about the dangers of the internet. Very frustrating that it can be so hard to control.

Speaking of graphic images, my dad, concerned for "Nutella" in her new Florida digs (aka Alligator Alley) has forwarded this little item......

Vicious Dog Pack Kills Gator in Florida --
Dogs savage Florida alligator

At times nature can be cruel, but there is also a raw beauty, and even a certain justice manifested within that cruelty. The alligator, one of the oldest and ultimate predators, normally considered the "apex predator" in it's natural ecosystem, can still fall victim to implemented 'team work' strategy, made possible due to the tight knit social structure and "survival of the fittest pack mentality", bred into the canines over the last several hundreds of years by natural selection. Scroll down to see the attached remarkable photograph courtesy of Nature Magazine... Note that the Alpha dog has a muzzle hold on the gator preventing it from breathing, while the remainder of the pack prevents the beast from rolling.

Warning: Not for the squeamish!

Click Here for Picture


Sarah said...
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Gabriela said...

We need to get some kind of filtering system as our kids have discovered Google. I can just see my 5 year old thinking he's really funny and typing in "naked" and getting a whole lot more than he bargained for!

We used to live on a Bayou in Louisiana. The alligators always freaked me out, especially with little kids!

Sarah said...

oh, and we are reading The Poisonwood Bible for June!

Bright One said...

If you couldn't view the pic ... I've fixed it....blogger is driving me crazy with the problems uploading pics but I got the link fixed anyway! Gabriela I think that's hilarious that a 5 year old "googles"....boy have times changed! Have a great day! Oh, and Susie Q Thanks, can't wait to read the book!!!