Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I'm just a little happy-sad

I messed with my blog yesterday and broke it.....I think I fixed it now but given my current state of sleep deprivation I can't really be sure. Yesterday was the sad part of my happy-sad experience. I had to say goodbye to Tiny, Nutella and, our favorite granddaugter (just so you don't think I'm a terrible grandma I have to note she's our ONLY granddaugter as yet).

We had just the most wonderful 4 days with them, what beautiful girls they all are! It did my heart so much good to see all three of my daughters together and find that they really are good friends as well as good people! They made me laugh........a lot, cry.........a little, and enjoy the visit....totally! I am a lucky mom!

HH left this morning at 4:00 for another fire and I was awakened at 3:30 when his alarm went sense going back to bed since I'd have to get up at 4:30 for Seminary......Yawn! I'm TIRED!

Yesterday I got a call informing me that I'll be the new Seminary teacher beginning.....NEXT MONDAY!!! I'm more than a little scared. I've substituted before and I really like Seminary but still it's pretty scary to think you're responsible for an entire year of instruction for 12 sleepy teenagers at 6:00 each morning. I'm sure the real panic has yet to set in.....if you have any extra prayers please say them for me.

Yesterday was D3's birthday, she turned 15. Just another element of my happy-sad day.
On top of all these things, I find that when HH left he took with him the file with most of the pictures we had taken while the girls were posting those for a while I guess!

After all the crying was over last night I pondered again the question I've asked myself at least 100 times over the years. Do the happy mom moments outweigh the sad ones.....? I've loved every minute of raising my girls, they have been wonderful...... but when they grow up and move away.......... frankly it hurts a little!!!

Obviously my blue funk hasn't improved with only 5 hours of sleep last night.....I'm going to go sleep it off...... see you tomorrow!


Amazed said...

I leave you quite often, then realize too late that they never go through because i don't do that little word verification thing. I wonder why I have to do that? Anyway- mothering...nothing harder, nothing greater, nothing more exhausting. That is downsized from my earlier remarks. And good luck with seminary...yikes! I couldn't get up and going at that hour anymore! Which Standard Work is being studied this year?

Patti said...

You are going to be a great seminary teacher!!! I keep forgetting to ask...when do you start?