Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Well, I must say, it’s been a pretty productive day so far. I probably shouldn’t be telling you (my two fans) this (I know I can count on you to keep my secret)...... today I’ll become a millionaire....perhaps with careful investment even a billionaire! Yes, today my ship, so to speak, came in.

I opened my e-mail and Mr. Frank Otto a VERY senior employee of the Department of Mineral and Energy Resources of South Africa( SOUTH AFRICA....Everyone knows about South Africa....ask Ms. South Carolina!) , wrote to ask my help in redeeming an investment interest. Apparently his client.....is currently missing, so very sad really. He has a sizeable sum of money coming to him and since they have been unable to locate him (despite their repeated extensive attempts) to send the vast amount of cash and other holdings to which he is entitled, they have contacted me..... Amazing though it may seem, we have the same last name and they presume we are, therefore, the "next of kin" to Mr. Nelson insert applicable surname here".

In addition I have also been notified that I have access to many important drugs to enhance my sex life " at such a reduced price I would have to be stupid to pass up this important opportunity" after all "once the women at work find out I’m taking this drug they will all be HOT for me" (.....actually since I’m a girl I’m not sure why I want other women HOT for me but the e-mails promise me joy and happiness if I order in the next 24 hours).

As if all this happy news weren’t enough, I received a "blessing’ from one Raj Darfur (no kidding) who promised me health, wealth, and never ending happiness (I mean NEVER ENDING!!!!) if I would pass along the e-mail address of 23 of my dearest friends (no matter how tempted I am I must not send more....these blessings are only for me and my very closest friends and nothing to trifle with) .......of course each of them will have the opportunity to receive the same "blessing"

Hmmmmm.....one simply must wonder if part of the blessing includes numerous e-mails from total strangers with opportunities to sit at home doing nothing...."Working each day in your robe and slippers" and earning money beyond your wildest dreams! Did you KNOW George and Jenny Partridge used to worry about how to pay their light bill but now they have three homes, a private jet, and invitations to have cocktails with the rich and famous!

I do hope your day is filled with as much good fortune as mine.
Many Blessings to You!!!!
(Keep checking your e-mail, maybe today is YOUR day!)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That is hilarious! I got a similar email about a distant relative of mine dying in a car crash...I could possibly inherit his fortune! So sad that I deleted it.