Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Law of Attraction 102

I have XM radio in my car.... (aka my home away from home). Frequently I listen to the "Oprah and Friends" channel. My favorites are Dr. Oz and Bob Greene but I listen to others occasionally. All summer long Oprah has had "The Summer Soul Series" as her show. She interviews authors, ministers, spiritualists etc. Most of it is just a little bit "out there" for me but sometimes I think it's interesting how closely their theories parallel what I've experienced in my life.

This week she's been featuring "The Law of Attraction" which in simple terms has something to do with your vibrations creating like vibrations around you i.e. if you're in a bad mood pretty soon everyone around you will be too, either because you cause them to be, or because only other people in a bad mood want to share your space : ) The way they explain it is too "other-worldly" for me but I guess I've noticed in my life that sometimes things do appear to fall into this pattern.

For instance Oprah said that when she journals she used to spend every day outlining all the problems and disappointments of her day but then she intereviewed a guest on her show that said if she just made one change and instead of writing negative things she wrote what she was grateful for her life would change for the better. She now makes it a point every night to write a list of 5 things she was grateful for during that particular day.

I've tried this myself, in many different ways....one of them was just like Oprah, always expressing gratitude each day for the blessings in my life.....I don't always write them down but I sure do express them....to the person to whom I owe that gratitude....my Heavenly Father/. It has made me realize how much I have. Because of that I believe I've become happier and more content. Where I used to worry about lack of money, lack of friends, lack of recognition, lack of fulfillment I find I hardly ever have those feelings anymore because I really do feel I live a life of abundance.

Positive thinking/speaking proved to be extremely powerful in my life when my first husband and I divorced. Because I had a very young daughter in my home I didn't want her to ever hear me speaking negatively about her daddy. I tried to remain positive about his love for her and his many good qualities and leave whatever personal complaints I had unspoken.

I'm sure I wasn't always perfect at it but I have observed over the course of the last 30 years or so that most of the people I associate with who are divorced spend so much time complaining about their ex, or reliving their disappointments, or re-telling all the details of the hurts and pain inflicted that they NEVER regain any measure of happiness in their lives. In several of those cases, when they remarried, that marriage failed too. I don't know if that is law of attraction but it does seem to bear out the theory that whatever you give your focus to is going to inevitably grow and become bigger.

In keeping with THAT idea I vow from this day forward to quit talking about my big butt and flabby thighs! (I certainly don't need my focusing on them makin' them any darn bigger!)

Sending good vibrations your way!


Patti said...

HA! That made me laugh. I have always appreciated your optimism! It really does make a difference.

Patti said...

PS Please start writing on your picture me skinny blog again...I love the intro line about Dairy Queen!

Bright One said...

Your Wish is My Command Daughter of mine! Check out Picture me Skinny!

Anonymous said...

Mom, thats funny. Youre always positive... I hardly ever hear negative things about anything come out of your mouth.
and...I loved the music video

big beard + gentle breezes =
an excellent band...always..