Thursday, January 11, 2007

Becoming a grandma takes time...

Well, actually, becoming a grandma is no excuse for being gone for so long but it just seemed that all my thoughts were consumed with the welfare of "nutella" and the upcoming birth of her first baby.

She did a great job producing one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen!
I've been lucky enough to be able to be here with her for the past week and a half, I go home next Tuesday and I know I will be so sad : (
I'm fine tuning my Grandma muscles though and getting prepared for years of spoiling! Nutella's sweet little girl was named after my Grandma who I loved so MUCH! If she lives up to her name she's going to be wonderful!
The other nice thing about being here for the baby is I get to be out of Indiana which is wet and here in Florida is great! I need to find a way to buy a winter home here, it is so nice to look out and see the sun every day and have leaves on the trees and flowers blooming! In January!!! Having lived in Wyoming much of my life the Florida climate is so nice!
We had a funny moment the other night when Nutella was feeding "bean" (a nickname that has stuck).....we'd been trying various techniques to get her to sleep longer and decided to try the "tight swaddle" that they do in the hospital. Nutella fed her, got her to sleep and carefully wrapped her up in the tightest, best produced swaddle ever done without a nurse.....we were so proud! After tiptoeing carefully to the crib she laid bean down and slowly, every so slowly, stood up......almost
It was about this point that she realized she had "swaddled" the tie to her robe inside the baby's blanket......oh, how we needed that laugh! A few nights of little sleep made us somewhat punchy but the laugh was completely rejuvenating.....the hardest part was giggling quietly enough to not wake the sleeping, perfectly swaddled, baby!
Thank Heaven for Little Girls!


Gabriela said...

What a little sweetheart!!! That picture is beautiful. Congrats to you and Nutella.

Grammy said...

Congratulations to you all! I am so happy for you and hope that you have a complete blast playing grandma! I've been away from even reading blogs for a really long time. How lucky I am to come back just in time for your big news. That is just Wonderful!

Sarah said...

I am so glad that you are back in the blogging world! And Bean is absolutely beautiful!

Zoe said...

Ohhhhhh!!!! I am soooo happy for them, and you! I cannot believe it. I was thinking about Nutella the other day (as I was seriously consuming mass amounts of Nutella . . . by the spoonful) and wondering how she has been doing. I am so proud of her. What a beautiful little girl. Congratulations!