Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I am so sorry I've become a lurker....NOT by choice

There are some of you out there that haven't yet switched to Beta Blogger....little did I know that when I switched over I would no longer be allowed to comment on your "Non-Beta" blogs......I am so sad!

Anyway I still read you, wish I could tell you I love your blogs......


Sarah said...

How does one switch to Beta?

Gabriela said...

Here's how you can comment: choose other, and then just type in your name. It usually works for me.

Blackeyedsue said...

I have become a lurker too, only by choice. Life is so busy as of late that I only have time to read. I still ♥ you!!!!

Blackeyedsue said...

I had problems for a couple of months. I tried to switch to beta and blogger apparently hates me. I stopped visiting anyone for a while. I am back and excited about it!