Thursday, November 29, 2007

I've been tagged!

The Pink Factor has tagged me with a meme (thanks..cause I needed the incentive !) so here goes......

Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
Share seven random and or weird things about yourself.
Tag seven random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.


1. During the first 1o years of our marriage (including during the birth of two of our daughters) my husband never saw me without makeup.

2. I aspire to healthy food choices but I'm a closet McDonald's hamburger/fries lover (sorry girls .... I'm so ashamed).

3. When I wrote this list initially, 9 out of 10 things had to do with food!

4. If I had a choice between living in the tropics and living in Alaska I'd pick Alaska even though I hate cold weather.

5. I secretly wish I had been born a Greek (cause as a grandma my name would be Ya Ya!)

6. I only dust when company's coming : )

7. I sat in the hall from 2nd through 5th grade because the teachers thought I talked too much.....(Punishment? HA!!! They should have heard me in the hall!)

So now I tag:

Sweet Mama


Amazed said...

I'm so happy to have been tagged by you! I love the gifts you have shared and maybe are buying me (Ha!) Now that I am home from my fabulous Oooh-la-la vacation, I will get on this. Well, as soon as I have a nap.

Patti said...

Ha! I knew you were just like me 2nd thru 5th grade!

sweet mama entropy said...

Nice to know I'm not the only one who thinks I'm weird :)

Come on over and read all about it.