Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wow! I love this stuff Wednesday!

QUITE some time ago I had a weekly blog entry called "Things I love Thursday". Well, with the onset of my new calling as Seminary teacher I can hardly find time to blog once a week and I certainly can't begin to plan when that day will be! (To all of you Seminary teachers out there ....I admit it, I'm a dismal failure in the competency department! It takes me hours to get ready!) are some new "Things I love"....!


That this handy little gadget measures exactly two tablespoons? (And you thought it was only for cookies or giant melon balls!) Why would you need one you ask? Well to measure things like HONEY, MOLASSES, even CRISCO or PEANUT BUTTER! They are notoriously messy to measure and this makes it so EASY!!!! (By the way there are 8 of these in a cup, 4 in a half cup, and 2 in one-quarter cup!)

And while we're at it this one (at least may have to check yours) measures exactly 1/3 cup! (I know some are 1/2 cup capacity). Trust me I NEVER measure Crisco in a cup anymore! I used to line a measuring cup with saran wrap so it would come out easier but this is even spooning (or knifing) the stuff into the cup you know?

Next on the list......because I'm LDS I don't drink coffee but I do like a good cup of Pero (my daughter prefers Postum) now and then. Sometimes I make it taste like dessert....I add the creamer and then pumpkin pie spice or 2 tablespoons of hot cocoa mix but I discovered THIS at Walmart the other day ....EGGNOG Flavored Coffee Creamer......and it is YUMMY!!!

They also had Gingerbread and Peppermint but I haven't tried them yet.....if you have let me know!

Have a great week!

Sure Love Ya!


Amazed said...

I'm really going to get all these scoops. I have one and it is broken so the food doesn't come out. I never thought of measuring with them!

Patti said...

gingerbread is awesome!