Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Awaiting the first snow...

(Last year's spectacular snowfall at our house!)

Yup, I sit here on the eve (assuming all the weathermen are correct) of our first big snowfall here in Indiana. I really prefer all seasons to winter EXCEPT during December when I get excited at the prospect of "new fallen snow" (and not just because Seminary might get cancelled!)

It has been perpetually dreary here for the past few days, even daring to rain in buckets for two days in a row which is decidedly UN-WINTER like. I used to love dark winter days because I could bake and create wonderful comfort foods to feed my husband who never gained a pound and would eat with abandon stopping only to proclaim my excellence as a wife and chef! Alas, two years ago despite his 32 inch waist, he was diagnosed with diabetes. It completely ruined all my fun....now if I bake I have to eat it...thus he has lost some 50 pounds and I have gained 13! (Life is so unfair!)

I just read Amazed's account of her travels to France and find myself craving a croissant (she tell you to say it with a French accent), a wonderful hotel, ....in short a great vacation! Our next vacation won't be until the day after Christmas when we travel to Disneyworld and meet our sweet grandaughter (and of course her parents) to celebrate her very FIRST birthday!

I have created the most wonderful first birthday present for her and I'm bursting with excitement to give it to her. It will be hard for me to wait! No trips after that until the last week of March when HH and I will travel to Santa Fe for the week of my birthday! I really think I'd be a much happier person if I could have a week long vacation once a month (however I'd probably also be poor!).

Tomorrow I may post another installment of gifts I've discovered! I'm going to have to add people to my list....I keep finding fun things!


Patti said...

I want to see pictures of this year!!!

Amazed said...

What a gorgeous winter picture of your home! And you've never told me your "tree" farm tie. Do you have a tree farm? And yes, share some more great gift finds! I loved the last ones!